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Fall Book Drive!

LexisNexis Cares is launching a fall book drive to support children a head start in Colorado Springs.

Most of us remember cuddling up for reading time.  Our favorite books ran the gamut from Goodnight Moon to Curious George or Madeline.  Yet, 80% of young children in low-income homes have no age appropriate books to call their own. 

Why are books in the home so important? Books create emotional bonds between the adults and children as they read together. Books help develop basic language skills and vocabulary.  Books are interactive and demand that kids think while widening their knowledge and experiences.

We can make a difference in the lives of children and families in Colorado Springs.

Three ways to give:

  • Drop Off or Mail:  Purchase books and drop them off at the Colorado Springs Office at 555 Middle Creek Parkway Attention: LexisNexis-Suite GL13 Library/Cares Fall Book Drive OR mail to:  CPCD  2330 Robinson St., Colorado Springs, CO  80904  Attn: Community Relations Team

  • Donate: Make a donation directly to CPCD noting LexisNexis Book Drive in the donation notes.  Your gift will be restricted to books for kids!  And, a monetary gift qualifies for the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit.  Make your donation go twice as far by using the LexisNexis matching gift link.

  • CPCD Amazon Book Wish List: View the CPCD Amazon Book Wish List and purchase books to be sent directly to CPCD.

Books to Consider: Click here for a book list with suggested titles and authors appropriate for children ages birth to 5 and parenting books for the adults in their lives.  

Many thanks for bringing joy to the homes of children and families in Colorado Springs!

REMEMBER: Make your donation go twice as far!  Use the LexisNexis matching gift link.


About CPCD: CPCD is a nonprofit organization, operating since 1988, that provides free comprehensive early childhood and family development programs for families with children, age birth to 5, who are living in limited income homes, have special needs or experience other adverse circumstances that could challenge their school readiness.  CPCD serves over 1,500 children each year in El Paso County through Early Head Start, Head Start and the Colorado Preschool Program.  For more information, please visit

Picture3.png children a head start prepara a los niños para el éxito en la escuela y en la vida
Colorado Preschool Program, Early Head Start & Head Start

2330 Robinson Street

Colorado Springs, CO . 80904


© 2024 children a head start

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